My thoughts and dreams.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The hardest week of my life...

Let's recap:
I wake up monday, normal with a lot of energy y ganas de empezar la semana del cumple de mi gorda bien, como a las 8am llamo a Doña Concha (like always) y me dice muy nonchalant que su dr. le mando hacer una mamografia, 'cause habia algo "raro" en su seno, as you can imagine after that I wasn't able to function well, that's not something you want to hear from your mom's lips.
Ese mismo dia nos fuimos al juego de los Sac. Kings, and even though we had a great time, mi pensamiento estaba con mi ma (que si esto que si lo otro).
El martes fue el cumple de mi gorda y estubo bien (se lo celebramos el domingo antes) cupcakes y jugo a su salon y su p-daddy le regalo flores (which totally made her day).
El miercoles a la oficina, para prepararme para la proxima semana, nada fuera de lo normal, pero esperando el mamograma de mom.
El jueves es el dia, a las 10:30 tenia su cita, la llevo mi hermana mayor (Alma for those of you who don't know) y gracias a Dios, al parecer todo esta bien. Respiramos y agradecimos a nuestro Padre que ella estaba bien, so el jueves tuve un dia bueno.
El viernes cuando estaba hablando con una de mis hermanas (como siempre en el chisme) me llama mi marido como a las 8:45 y me dice -now babe I don't want you to freak out, I'm ok, but I just got in a car accident and the car is totaled, but I'm ok"
intercambiamos palabras, -are you sure you are ok? -yes I'm sure I'm ok, but babe the car in completely totaled, be ready to come pick me up, I don't feel like I need an ambulance so just be ready to come and get me, - ok.
Llego, y mi boca cae al suelo, el carro completamente destrozado, lo escucho decirle al highway patrol que tuvo que salirse del carro por la puerta de atras del pasajero porque el carro estaba estancado en el camion con el que habia chocado -I went head on onto the big rig, so the car was literally stuck under the truck, an f-150 helped get my car out of the big rig.
el de la grua me dijo con alarmo que el no sabia como es que mi marido estaba no solo conciente sino de pie -the car is completely totaled, look at it, I can't believe your husband is walking.
-I just need to get the samples out of the trunk, 'cause is a pain in the but reporting those.
escuche a mi marido decirle al highway patrol, so me lanse hacia la cajuela para que el no hiciera trabajo, cuando la habri mi mente no podia creer lo que mis ojos veian, todas las cajas quebradas completamente, -Dios Santo, y el, intacto.
Nos fuimos a emergencias, se quejaba de dolor muscular y el tobillo, llegamos, llenamos todos lo papeles, lo admitieron casi de inmediato, esperamos unas 2 horas, then I tell him -babe I'm gonna call Laura (a really good friend of ours) to take care of franky, and I will come back and stay with you, I mean we might be here the whole day, -ok, be careful I love you.
Laura vive a una milla del hospital, todavia no empezaba mi camino de regreso de dejar a franky, cuando me llama mi flaco, -babe where are you? -I'm already on my way, why?
-the dr. just release me, he says I'm fine, he doesen't even think I need x-rays.
-what about your ankle?
-he just put a gauze on it, is fine he says.
-oh, hell no, no no no, I don't think so, you are getting x-rays, wait there for me.
cuando llego al hospital me pongo neurotica, -what makes you so sure he's ok, what if there is something wrong with him internally and you can't see it? why can't he get x-rays and maybe even a cat scan
-oh, he (the dr.) won't order a cat scan, but I will have you talk to him so you can feel better.
-you would know how I feel and why I'm like this if you could see the car.
el dr.-ma'am I have been doing this for over 25 years, trust me if there was anything wrong with your husband there is no way we would released him without further testing, but he shows no sings of internal pain, I examined him well.
-He will act strong just so I won't be worried; le dije
-trust me I can see pain even when they try to hide it.
-all he needs to do now is rest and just keep an eye on him for the next couple of weeks.

Llegamos a la casa, ve poquita tele, se duerme un rato, se levanta a comer y dice que ya no le duele casi nada, -maybe is the Motrin, -no, I took Motrin at 10 am, is already 8pm.

Como si no hubiera pasado nada.

Esta semana tuvimos 2 pruebas muy grandes, y gracias a Dios todo esta bien, creia en los milagros, pero nunca habia presenciado tantos, tan seguido, y tan grandes...........God is Good


Blogger Lorena said...


Lo bueno es te todos estan bien y te tu estas tranquila. Esto ayuda a apreciar la vida, siempre se dice lo mismo pero solo cuando la ve uno tan cerca es cuando lo entiende.


12:20 AM  

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