My thoughts and dreams.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

He was born w/the umbilical cord
around His neck @ 2:22am
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2 (two) trips to the ER (one @ the gym,
the other in Yellowstone)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 4 "fishies" dead,
and a rottweiler/boxer that's afraid of Him.
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La colada de la Tia que no puede faltar.
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The best "little" men in my wedding
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And so many other
things that he does day by day that drive me crazy..Today He turned 4
which in His own words, makes him a "big man not a little man anymore"

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Si, como no..!!!

8:30pm the phone rings.
Me -hello
Her -my we speak to, is it catrina or corina?
Me -Karina, speaking
Her -we just wanted to know if you wanted to
join the army reserves, ma'am ?
(asi con esas palabras)
Me -(can't help but giggle as I say this) I'm a 31 year old wife
& mother, no thank you.
Her -you can still join up until your 41st birthday.
Me - well then why don't you try me in 10 years?

ps. no comment.

I am trying to expand my vocabulary,
in order to feel more comfortable when typing,
spelling & everything that comes along with
letters ( adjectives,verbs,nouns,adverbs etc.)
so my Usband suggested a "little" book called
"thesaurus". I have been wanting one of those
for quite some time, but every time I went into
a bookstore I would come out with everything but.
I finally bought it today, I feel like a little girl with
a brand new toy, never thought a book could make
me feel so happy, satisfied, in a pacificatory state of mind.

PS. Ironically I can't find a synonym for "panchera enfadosa"
in the whole thesaurus, ahahahaha

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Yankees..

Como diria Franky "rredek deeter"
Cyndi's favorite guy in the whole world...
This game @ Oakland A's

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I will do ANytHiNg for my sisters (and brothers)..... Specially, if it means eMbaRrAssINg
the hell out of them, this just shows what kind of sis I am......
Y LOVE 2 YU 2 Jrmana !!!
PS. We had a blast, let's do it again sOOn.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Chillin' w/ the Family

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Kaylee (1yr.)
sporting a Lisa Simpson hairdo, so cute (the hair, not the girl) haha
that one's for Mike & Bivi.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Nonas (3 1/2yrs.) Alma's youngest.
A little bit of cuteness never hurt anyone.

pictures by: Karina

Friday, August 11, 2006

My day to get ready for the weekend,
Run errands all day long
-return Gen's backpack (despues de que vio otra
que le gusto mas)
-buy her the other backpack, but first find the store.
-go to petco, Savannah needs some supplies.
-go to Nordstrom, the shoes I want are in,
ps. No es culpa mia si se me pega una bolsa nueva :)
-drop off/pick up dry clean.
-take Franky to get a haircut then we eat ice cream.
-go to trader joe's, running low on groceries.
-take Gen to practice her tennis "homework".
-take both kids to a makeup gymnastics class.
-get kitchen cabinets ready for sanding.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

After a great meal w/ the even better food fight.
God is great!!
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Cyndi, Keyla, Hello!!!
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThe 2 men in my life,
Franky & my Usband @ a friend's house. So Cute
photo: kari
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Kayla (14) & Karen (15)
photo: Bivi

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

1. Today was my daughters first tennis practice,
she loved it.....despues posteo pic's.

2. No me gusta linkear gente (bueno todavia no)
pero me gusta este blog, es de La Lore, y ella si tiene
20000 links.....check it out
ps.. ni de aqui ni de alla??? what the?!!!
love. morra enfadosa

3. Van 3 examenes, solo me faltan 2 more,
I am well on my way.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Esto es para los curiosos y enfadosos.....
I choose not to eat junk food, 95% of my grocery list is
non-hydrogenated items & yes our diet also includes omega 3+
DHA, grass fed meats & mercury free sea animals (which by the
way is almost impossible to find, but is out there)
The family has been eating this way for about a year now,
My eating organic is not a trend, is a lifestyle.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Cuando venia de regreso a sac. de bak. tuve mi radio en scan todo el tiempo,
Flans (aqui esta de super moda los 80's) timbiriche, pandora etc. recorde mi ninez & pree-teen years en Rosarito cuando trabajaba enfrente del Hotel Rosarito,la secu del Plan, recordaba cuando nos hibamos de pinta a San Ysidro, todas mis amigas con pasaporte y yo "american citizen" hahah, cuando me sali por completo de la misma para trabajar y mi familia ni en cuenta, cuando tuve mi primer novio serio, el Oscar, que por cierto hasta la fecha somos buenos amigos....a few years later, Bush,Oasis,STP,Alanis,en fin recurados de timpos lindos, libres y energeticos,cuando lo unico que importaba era donde hiba a ser el proximo party......

El contraste viene cuando en varias estaciones me detuve al escuchar a Jose
Alfredo Jimenez y a Javier Soliz, porque para mi, eso es casi como recusitar a mi pa (Efren Frayre III) no solo le gustaba la musica de estos dos personajes sino que odiaba las bandas y los "corridos chafas" de las bandillas de los 90's, es mas mi pa (que en paz descanse)
cantaba igualito que Javier Soliz, en su funeral pusimos un cd del mismo, y
algunos que habian escuchado a mi pa cantar preguntaron si el del cd era el. Ahora no
me animo seguido a escuchar a JS porque son recurados muy intensos y dificil todavia
de asimilar, pero hay veces que me gusta recordar a Don Efren con ese carisma y su sentido
del humor tan caracteristico, su lema era "si tu problema tiene solucion, para que te preocupas,
y si tu problema no tiene solucion, para que te preocupas?" genial....